the meaning of ubuntu
Ubuntu is an ancient African word that means, “I am because we are”. In short, we are all connected and what one person does in life will, in some way, affect us all.
We expect the music from Ubuntu to have the same effect, from person to person and from country to country, throughout the world.
The Founding Partnership: Hummel / Management & Collins / Production.
Ubuntu Music
Ubuntu Music, a division of Ubuntu Management Group (communications, music and talent services agency), is a recorded music label that is committed to bringing quality, accessible jazz and related music genres to increasingly wider audiences. Our approach is to collaborate with a diverse array of performing artists, who have a passion for their music.
The Label was founded by two individuals with complementary backgrounds: Martin Hummel, Chief Executive & Executive Producer, who has nearly 40 years of extensive experience within marketing, communications and advertising; and Quentin Collins, co-founder, producer, musician, composer, arranger and accomplished trumpet player who has toured the world. The Label is now managed by Hummel, who draws on the expertise of the best industry practitioners in guiding its development and expansion.
Ubuntu Music has an increasing roster of recording artists and is highly diversified in terms of gender, race, creed, colour and nationality—which reflects the multi-faceted nature of jazz itself.
We are extremely excited about our future plans for Ubuntu Management Group and Ubuntu Music. Our intentions are to selectively grow and develop our artist management roster, as well as extend our service offering to include tour bookings, festival creation and implementation, venue ownership and management, along with publicity/social media services. We are also represented within the areas of synchronisation, publishing and sponsorship services.